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    What Can I Do As A Vision Care Provider?

    As patients move away from a medical-focused care model towards a prevention, holistic and integrated approach, there's a need for a broader and more integrated vision care service. It should encompass prevention, treatment, promotion, and rehabilitation for incurable visual impairment. The field of vision care is undergoing profound changes.


    Eye care is a vision care service that focuses on the whole person. This includes diagnosis, prevention, and treatments for any vision impairment or disease of the eye. Prevention of disease and conditions means early detection, which is achieved through the comprehensive eye examination. The services provided by an eye care professional include diagnosis and management of eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataract, diabetes, and presbyopia. They also offer treatments for such diseases as macular degeneration, progressive retinal atrophy, cataract, strabismus, and vitreo-retinal detachment.


    A vision care provider also helps patients maintain healthy eyes by offering comprehensive eye care services such as eye hygiene, screening, and preventive eye wear. Through screening, they can detect any eye disorders or diseases that might cause pain or discomfort. Through prevention, they can identify and eliminate eyewash, contact lens, and eye drops that might cause damage and infections. They can also recommend appropriate eyewash, contact lens, and eye drops for patients with certain eye disorders and diseases. Vision care providers also provide rehabilitation for patients who have lost their eye vision.


    Vision care specialists also give lectures about various strategies for vision improvement. This may include computerized adaptive optics training or CAT training. This training is intended to teach patients how to adjust their eye prescription lenses, eyeglass frames, and contact lenses to improve their vision. Some vision care specialists even offer eye care instruction to patients who have had significant vision loss or have experienced traumatic eye injuries.


    Another eye care service provided by a vision care provider is eye patch treatment. Eye patches are used to reduce eye irritations and infections caused by contact lenses and eyewash. The eye patch is placed on the eye for six hours a day and then removed for the night. When the patch is removed, it flushes out bacteria and other irritants that might have accumulated under the patch. Eye patches are used primarily to treat fungal infections, dryness of the eyelid, and inflammation of the eye. Eye patches are usually prescribed to people who have a very high risk of vision loss or who are unable to wear contacts because of eye allergies or infections. Read more facts about eye care at https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/5-ways-to-keep-your-eyes-_b_10382678.

    As a vision care provider, you can provide different kinds of services to address the needs of your patients. You can practice a combination of preventive and corrective eye exams, conduct special vision screening, provide eyewash treatments and eye patch treatments, and refer individuals to an eye care specialist if necessary. Your services will help an individual maintain proper vision and improve visual comfort.

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    Dry Eye Disease - Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment Options

    Dry eye disease can be a painful condition that causes itching, tearing, and redness of the eyelids. It can also be accompanied by a drying of the tears and reduced lubrication of the eye cap. Dry eye syndrome usually begins in middle age, but it can also start in early childhood or even early pregnancy. This syndrome may be caused by seasonal changes in the weather. However, most often it is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the eye.


    The symptoms of dry eye disease are not always alike. In some people, there will be only a small amount of irritation while in other people, the symptoms can be more severe. Most of the time, the irritation results from inflammation of the mucous membranes on the inside of the eyelid. The irritation is caused by the small tears that do not drain from the eye properly. The lack of adequate drainage results in moisture collecting on the ocular surface, which can cause the inflammation and potential infection of the membranes.


    The most common symptom is tearing of the tears. Other dry eye symptoms include itching, irritation, and swelling of the eyelid. If the dry eye syndrome is due to external irritants such as pollen or cigarette smoke, then the symptoms will probably clear up quickly once the irritants are eliminated. If the dry eye syndrome is caused by an internal issue, such as chronic inflammation of the blood vessels that supply the eye, then symptoms might continue for several days or even weeks. You may further read about eye care, go to https://www.britannica.com/science/eye-disease.


    One way to alleviate the dry eye disease and its symptoms is to have a proper eye exam by your doctor. During your eye exam, your eye doctor will check for any signs of any infections, inflammation, or other disorders that might be causing the dry eyes. If there is no serious issue, then your doctor may order routine tests that include venous blood test, tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, and fluorescein angiography. These tests will help the physician to determine if you have angiogenesis or not.


    If you have a mild case of dry eye disease or any other ailments, your eye doctor may help relieve dry eye symptoms by prescribe otc eye drops called decongestants. These eye drops work to reduce the amount of moisture that is collected on the eye's surface. This helps to relieve the itchiness, irritation, and redness that are associated with the condition. It may also help relieve some of the more severe symptoms such as itchiness and pain caused by the inflammation.


    Some people will use warm, boiled water or homemade restasis ointments to relieve their symptoms. If you choose to make your own restasis drops, simply add a teaspoonful of petroleum jelly and a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a small amount of warm water. Use the solution to apply directly to the irritated eyes at least one time per day. Be sure to carefully follow the package directions on the back of any best allergy eye drops as they may vary from person to person.

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    How To Cure Allergies And Dry Eye


    There are many different types of allergies and dry eye treatment. The type that you choose depends on what type of allergy you have. Some allergies cause red, irritated eyes, while others may give you red, gritty eyes or swollen eyes. Finding the right type of allergy and dry eye treatment can help you get relief so that you can see more clearly.


    Allergies and Dry Eye Treatment - What is Allergic Eye Syndrome? Meibomian Gland dysfunction (MIG) is the leading cause of dry eyes. It accounts for almost 85% of individuals who have eye allergies. MIG occurs because of a blockage of the Meibomian glands in the upper eyelids. Because of this, it cannot produce enough oils to moisten the eyes, which in turn causes dry, red eyes. There are several treatments for migraines, but for those suffering from allergies and dry eyes, the most effective option is found with the use of lenses.


    Mold and Food Allergies. Those suffering from allergies and dry eyes can be allergic to one or more types of molds. These include such allergens as dust, spores, mold spores, pollen, and tree nuts. In addition, there are many kinds of foods that are known to cause problems for those who have allergies. Some of these foodstuffs include: chocolate, cow's milk, eggs, soy, wheat, corn, onions, garlic, fish, grapes, lemons, bananas, and many others.


    Allergies and Dry Eye Treatment - How to Relieve the Itching and Burning of Your Eyes? As previously mentioned, there are several allergy reliefs available. One way to treat allergies and dry eye, therefore, is to use eye drops. These eye drops relieve itching, redness, and swelling associated with allergies and dry eye. They also reduce the risk of infections when they contact the eye itself. While eye drops may not treat the source of your allergies, the discomfort and inconvenience they provide will definitely make you feel better. Know what is dry eye disease here!


    How to Cure Allergies and Dry Eye? If you suffer from allergies and redness and/or itching or burning of your eyes, see your eye doctor for an allergy examination. Your doctor will perform a skin patch test to determine whether or not the skin has been exposed to allergens. Then he or she will prescribe eye drops for relief. These CorneaCare eye drops are specially formulated to treat allergies and dry eye and to promote healing of irritated eyes.


    If you do not get the results you want from your initial visit to your eye doctor, you may wish to try over-the-counter antihistamines such as Benadryl or Claritin. These medications will help to reduce itchiness, while reducing any inflammation that is associated with allergies and dry eye syndrome. There is no reason to stop taking these medications once you start seeing the results, because all of them have been proven safe and effective. Watch this video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUzMnehn8Lw for more info about eye care.